
Showing posts with label adventures. Show all posts
Showing posts with label adventures. Show all posts

Friday, April 4, 2014

Breaking Through

Navigating the territory is, at times, rather difficult. We have warring personalities in the faction I have joined. While they get along well, they tend to pull the more docile creature (a.k.a. me) in different directions. I must think fast to avoid complications.
Then there is the sweet, lovely country girl I've mentioned previously. A bond has formed, based on mutual trust and similar dispositions and circumstances. I hope we can continue to pursue this friendship. It has been too long since I've known someone I can truly empathize with.

Sunday, March 30, 2014

First Impressions

Starting out, I wasn't sure what to think of my fellow students. Though there was one I quickly attached to; I was somewhat intimidated by everyone else.

Hair styling, facials, manis, pedis, all this stuff was completely foreign to me. I was on the same page as the two guys and the sweet as pie country girl, still a minority.

Three months later, there is still much I don't understand. The constant urge to wear make-up. Continually fussing over the state of your hair. The drama, oh lord the drama. I am surrounded by Divas. Still, I am entertained. Let us continue.